New evidence for Birdman

As reported earlier, Warner Home Entertainment is releasing both the entire original series of Birdman and The Galaxy Trio and the final season of Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law. New details on the latter set show some great features coming.

Once a second-rate superhero, Harvey Birdman is now a third-rate lawyer, with ailments and attitude to boot. Although he works at an upscale law firm, it’s not clear whether Harvey ever went to law school. He is, however, comfortable with top-notch legal jargon and isn’t afraid to use it. He even has a nice suit to give him that polished and professional look– even if he still insists on wearing his superhero get-up underneath. In volume three, Harvey continues to find himself representing animated heavyweights and demonstrating his vast expertise in fields like copyright law, criminal defense and civil litigation -or at least faking it really well. Featuring Gary Cole as the voice of Harvey, the series is television’s first and only animated law show to star a winged attorney who’s ready and able to stick his hands deep into the legal briefs of the animated world.

The set will includeAll of the most memorable voice-over action moments from Birdman’s final episode compiled into a “Final Record” section; from footage of the cacophony of Birdman character noises to outlandish pranks- all caught on tape for viewing (and re-viewing) pleasure, A “Joke Timeline” that includes fourteen of the most hilarious, and now, most treasured jokes from the Harvey Birdman series guaranteed to demonstrate just how funny we thought they were at the time, An on-screen color comic book about “The Origin of the X Eliminator.”
A quick intro of the show’s main characters – in case viewers haven’t picked up on exactly who’s who by the third DVD, Eight scenes of some awesome deleted moments, including a hilarious Juror Video from the episode, “Harvey Birdman, Juror in Court.”, Storyboards of two complete episodes are also included, for a behind-the-scenes glimpse at creating a Harvey Birdman episode.

The set is prices at $29.98 and will arrive on August 21st.

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