Universal sends Voyagers! on a new Journey

The adventures of Phineas Bogg and Jeffrey Jones may have only lasted 20 episodes, but the Voyagers! saved the course of history countless times. (Well, 20 times actually). The show is coming in its entirety from Universal Home Entertainment.

“We travel through time to help history along. Give it a push when it’s needed. When the Omni’s Red it means history’s wrong. Our job is to get everything back on track. Green light kid, We did it!”. Bogg is a pirate from the past, recruited by the Voyagers to protect time. Too bad he has no knowledge of history. But 12 year old Jones is the sn of a history professor. So it has to be OK right?

No supplements have been announced for this set, but its coming on July 17th. Pull up a Hot Dog! Magazine and some Viking goat’s mile with blood (drink it with a smile).

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