See the Discovery Atlas in high definition

In wonderful announcement this morning that will give high definition formats a solid push, Discovery Communications announced that they will release their acclaimed TV series Discovery Atlas on DVD as well as on HD-DVD and Blu-Ray covering the entire format front.

“Discovery Atlas” was the Discovery Channel’s most ambitious HD-project to date and is a 30-part series that will begin airing on October 1 on both the Discovery channel and Discovery HD Theater. The 60-hour series, which will profile 30 different countries over the next five years!

“China Revealed” is the first show in the series, followed by “Italy Revealed,” “Brazil Revealed” and “Australia Revealed” in the coming weeks.

The home video releases will contain a number of extras as well, such as Interactive Trivia as well as Short Videos focusing on particular aspects of the featured country.

The DVD, HD-DVD and Blu-Ray versions will be in stores on November 8 if everything goes according to plan.

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