Warner continues its commitment to UMD
Several new PSP compatible titles are coming from Warner Home Entertainment in the coming months.
Febryary 7th
Batman (1989): After witnessing his parent’s brutal murder as a child, millionaire-philanthropist Bruce Wayne pledges his life to fighting crime disguised as Batman.
Training Day: A mad dog narcotics cop blurs the line between cop and criminal as he mentors an idealistic rookie partner during his Training Day.
February 14th
Swordfish: In this futuristic technology spy movie, John Travolta plays Gabriel Shear, a man trying to access information locked inside a complicated computer system that contains government secrets – and money. He hires Stanley Jobson (Hugh Jackman), a desperate computer expert, to help him hack into the system.
Romeo Must Die: A street-fighting ex-cop (Jet Li) takes on both sides of a fierce Oakland turf war.
March 7th
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone: In this first film adaptation of J.K. Rowling’s bestselling series, Harry Potter learns on his 11th birthday that he is the orphaned son of two powerful wizards and possesses magical powers of his own.
The Goonies: A group of west coast kids facing their last days together before a development paves over their homes stumble onto evidence of pirate’s treasure, which attracts the attention of a family of criminals.
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