Take the full tour of Mission Hill

The short-lived Adult Swim entry Mission Hill makes its way to DVD courtesy of Warner Home Entertainment.

Meet overqualified, underemployed, 24-year-old Andy French. Ambition: to be a cartoonist. Occupation: salesman at Waterbed World. Hobby: Where’s the party? But responsibility soon knocks on the door of the loft apartment Andy shares with two fellow slackers: Kevin, a nerdy 17-year-old who wears his SAT score on his shirt and his admiration for big brother Andy on his sleeve, moves in. And for good measure, so does the French family’s dog.

The new set contains all thirteen half-hour episodes as well as audio commentary on selected episodes and an interactive map of Mission Hill.

Priced at $29.98, even a waterbed salesman could afford it. The set comes on Novmber 29th.

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