Rob Zombie brings you The Devil’s Rejects this November
After his successful “House Of 1000 Corpses” Rob Zombie made a follow up to is controversial horror thriller, which will make its DVD debut on November 8 from Lions Gate Home Entertainment. Entitled The Devil’s Rejects the film revisits the main characters from Zombie’s previous film while spinning a new tale that is no less violent.
Ambushed at their home by Sheriff Wydell and a squad of armed men, the Firefly family wakes up one morning with guns blazing – yet only Otis and his sister, Baby, manage to escape unharmed. Hiding out in a backwater motel, the wanted siblings wait to rendezvous with their errant father, Captain Spaulding, killing whoever happens to stand by their way. Bus as the body count mounts higher, Sheriff Wydell decides to take the law into his own hands, paving the way for a truly depraved and terrifying showdown.
“The Devil’s Rejects” will come in a few incarnations. First there is the Rated R Version, which comes as a single disc in fullscreen only, and then there is the Unrated Version, coming as a 2-disc Special Edition that brims with extra materials.
Both version include bonus features, such as a Commentary Track with Rob Zombie as well as another one with Sid Haig, Bill Moseley and Sheri Moon Zombie. Also included is a Blooper Reel and Deleted Scenes. Countless little vignettes will be included as well, such as The Morris Green Show, Captain Spaulding’s Fried Chicken Commercial, Captain Spaulding’s Christmas Commercial. then there are Otis’ Home Movie and Otis’ Rush Video. Further you’ll find a Make-up Test and a Triute to Matthew McGrory on the release, complete with Trailers, TV Spots and a Still Gallery.
The second disc of the unrated version will then also offers up 30 Days In Hell: The Making Of The Devil’s Rejects. This is a 2.5 hour documentary on the making of the movie, showing everything from the film’s pre-production meetings and table readings all the way through the last day of shooting.
“The Devil’s Rejects” will be in stores on November 8 and carry a $27.98 price tag. A UMD version of the unrated cut of the film will also be available on the same day.
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