Strand gets Hardcore
Strand is releasing Hardcore to DVD this fall.
“Hardcore” tells the tale of two abused young girls who take revenge on a world that has discarded them. Having both left their hostile homes at the tender age of sixteen, Martha and Nadia meet in a lowlife prostitution ring in downtown Athens. As visions of happiness are a world away from their daily dose of drugs, violence and sex, Martha has plunges in her new ‘profession’ with masochistic abandon. Nadia, on the other hand, is not there to stay. Robbed of their childhoods, they form an erotic alliance devastating in its tenderness. Both sexual and emotional, their new-found relationship becomes a childish shield to their vicious abuse and deprivation. As this degradation escalates, Nadia exploits Martha’s total dependence on her and drags her into a series of equally vicious murders that will grant them the “liberation” they so desperately seek.
The DVD of “Hardcore” includes a music video, deleted scenes, the teaser trailer, a television trailer and a photo gallery.
The disc is priced at $24.99 and will arrive on August 9th.
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