DVD Review is looking for a UMD reviewer!

With the growing popularity of UMD video release for the Sony PSP, we have decided to add a dedicated section with reviews of these releases for our readers. For that purpose we are currently looking for a reviewer who could help us add to that section.

If you own a PSP, enjoy watching movies on the handheld and would like to write about it, please get in touch with us. Send an introduction of yourself, complete with a writing sample to info@dvdreview.com so that we can take a look. This is an unpaid opportunity to contribute to DVD Review. Reviewers will be provided with UMD discs for review, however, to compensate for their time and effort. Serious inquiries only, please. We are looking for someone who is dedicated and reliable, and takes his efforts seriously.

So, what are you waiting for? If you think this fits your bill, get in touch with us as soon as possible.

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