The X-Files goes for an eighth season
Twentieth Century Fox is readying the eighth and penultimate season of the nineties paranormal phenomenon that was The X-Files. The eighth season follows suit of the previous sets, which set the bar for which television box sets are still measured.
The eighth season of The X-Files saw a dramatic departure from the direction of previous seasons as Fox Muldur foes missing in action and it is up to Dana Scully and her new partner John Doggett to find out where he went, and who was behind his disappearance. The search leads them back to many past friends and places in hopes of finding Muldur alive.
The set will contain all twenty-one episodes from the 2000-2001 season and will contain several extras including international clips, deleted scenes, director commentary on selected scenes, the documentary “The Truth About Season 8”, The X-Files Profiles and another DVD-ROM game, this time entitled “Existence”.
Arriving on November 4th, the set will carry a suggested retail price of $149.95 and will bring us one step closer to the truth.
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