Dr. Who: Tomb Of The Cybermen

Dr. Who: Tomb Of The Cybermen

Submitted by Derek Stevens and David Lambert

On BBC Home Video’s release of “Dr. Who: Tomb Of The Cybermen” you can find some additional material hidden on the DVD.

On the disc’s Main Menu, press the “Up” arrow key on your remote control to highlight the Dr Who logo. Then press “Enter” and the original, untrimmed opening title sequence will be shown. Once it is over, press the “Right” arrow key on your remote control, followed by the “Left” arrow key. This will highlight a circle on the screen over the face of Patrick Troughton. Now, press “Enter” and you will see part of episode 3 where he talks to Victoria about her father.

Another one can be found in the “Special Features” menu on the disc. On the second page of the Special Features, select the “Audio Options” and in the following screen press the “Left” arrow key on your remote control to highlight the Dr Who logo. Now, press “Enter” and you will be treated to an audio-only advertisement for the Doctor Who series’ “The Abominable Snowmen”, which followed “Tomb of the Cyberman” in broadcast order.

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