More Dr. Who is coming from Anchor Bay
Following the success of the first Dr. Who releases, Anchor Bay has decided to visit the good doctor again. Doctor Who and the Daleks: Special Edition and Doctor Who: Daleks Invastion Earth 2150 A.D. are the next two installments in the series. Additionally, the two discs will come together in a box set with a third disc entitled Dalekmania.
In “Doctor Who and the Daleks”, Eccentric scientific genius Dr. Who activates the T.A.R.D.I.S., a remarkable time machine disguised as an ordinary police callbox. But when the Doctor, his granddaughters and their friend Ian are transported to the mysterious planet Skaro, they discover a race of innocent humanoids under siege by the evil robot-like Daleks. Can the Doctor protect this peaceful society from destruction as well as save the entire universe from a diabolical invasion of the future?
For “Daleks Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D.”, the remarkable Doctor and his companions use their time machine the T.A.R.D.I.S. to travel to the Earth?s future. But when they arrive, they discover a battle-ravaged world where mankind has been conquered and enslaved by the diabolical Daleks. Can Doctor Who foil their fiendish plan to mine the Earth?s nuclear core, and help a brave Doctor who returns in the out-of-this-world battle for the future!
Both movies will be presented in anamorphic widescreen with an audio mix in mono. “Doctor Who and the Daleks” will feature an audio commentary with stars Jennie Linden and Roberta Tovey, a photo essay: “A History Of Doctor Who”, an original trailer, production stills and a Peter Cushing Biography. “Daleks Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D.” will also carry the photo essay as well as its own trailer and production stills.
The third disc, “Dalekmania” celebrates the 30th anniversary of both these classic movies in an all-new documentary that captures the remarkable Doctor Who phenomenon at its swinging ’60s peak.
Both individual releases will be priced at $19.98. The box set will carry a $39.98 suggested retail price. You’ll have to wait until November 20th to pick them up though, unless you have a time machine of your own.
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