Apex passes Sony with the most widespread player
Sony and Apex have been pursuing the extreme ends of the DVD player market since the format’s inception. Sony has constantly put their efforts into the high-end market with their “Elevated Standard” line while Apex has pushed the envelope for affordable quality home entertainment. The formula has worked well for both companies. But as economies and buying trends shift, the American public has recently found itself in the Apex camp.
The Apex Digital 500 has just surpassed the competition to become the most common player in American households. The player’s low cost mixed with Apex’s trademark extra bells and whistles has helped the Apex line surpass the three million unit mark.
The Sony Corp. isn’t exactly licking their wounds yet. Sony’s wide selection of players allows the company to still hold the lead on overall units sold. And although the volume market is on the side of the Apex Digital 500 at the moment, the higher cost associated with some of Sony’s higher end players still leaves Sony with a staggering 23% hold on the consumer DVD market. (Apex is a solid third with 10.8%, while Toshiba holds the number two spot with 13%).
The market will doubtless change again, as will the public’s fancy. Apex and Sony will doubtless continue to strive for market dominance. And the winner will doubtless still be the consumer who will continue to receive the variety and diversity the DVD market deserves.
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