Frankenstein finally feels like God – some information about deleted scenes

Many of you have sent us email after our announcement that Universal will release the restored version of the James Whale classic Frankenstein on August 17. All of you wanted to know, will the previously deleted line “Now I know what it feels like to be God!” be on the DVD. According to an article on “USA Today” this morning, the line will indeed be part of the upcoming DVD version.

Speaking of other scenes, in another column of today’s “USA Today”, actress Madeline Stone was mentioning a number of deleted scenes for The General’s Daughter that will be found on the DVD version, including an alternate ending of the movie that will be restored back into the film. Stowe
felt that the relationship between hers and John Travolta’s character was substantially reduced in the finished release but these scenes will be put back in the DVD version.

Thanks to our reader Andy Dursin from Filmscore Monthly for directing our attention to those articles.

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