Anchor Bay set to release more Disney family movies

Anchor Bay is currently readying two other Disney family movies for release on DVD. On May 18, get ready to save the world the Condorman. Anchor Bay will release this hair-raising fun adventure with a 2.35:1 letterboxed and a pan & scan transfer on one disc. This film is about a comic book writer who turns into the hero he created to save the world from harm. Colorful with crazy disguises, “Condorman” is a true family movie, starring Michael Crawford, Oliver Reed and Barbara Carrera.

May 18 will also see the release My Science Project, a funny film about a science project gone haywire when Michael Harlan unleashes a gizmo he found at a military base’s junkyard to pass it off as his own science project. The disc will also contain a 2.35:1 letterboxed and a pan & scan version of the film.

Please make sure to check our Film Vault for all the details on these releases, and click on the image to the left for an enlarged version of the disc’s cover artwork.

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