Star Wars: Episode I to arrive earlier than expected

It’s getting little much Star Wars news lately, but new information just keeps flooding in. Although not DVD related, we hope you enjoy these snippets as much as we do, however.

George Lucas announced Wednesday night during the trailer’s first official presentation at ShoWest that Phantom Menace will actually hit movie theaters two days earlier than originally planned. The release date has been moved up to May 19 in a move to “to give fans a head start and give families a chance to see it on the weekend” when the initial demand should have died down a little.

Regarding the announcement earlier that “Phantom Menace” will be presented in four theaters digitally, new information turned up indicating that Lucasfilm will actually take on the costs of enhancing these four theaters for digital projection. No information is available which theaters these will be but speculation has it that they will be selected from prestigious New York and Los Angeles based cinemas.

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