Lost In Space, A Perfect Murder and more…

We have been able to find out about a number of films that will come to DVD any time soon. Hardly surprising, New Line Home Video are currently working on a DVD transfer for Lost In Space, which will hit the streets on October 6, day and date with its VHS counterpart. We do not have any details on the release yet, but we will keep you posted.
Other titles in the making are Trimark Home Video’s Leprechaun 2 and Interceptor, as well as Black Dog from Universal, a film starring Patrick Swayze and Meat Loaf. No release dates are known yet, but again, we will fill in the gaps as soon as the information becomes available.
Word also has it that Warner are currently putting the final touches on the DVD version of Andrew Davis’ thriller A Perfect Murder, starring Michael Douglas and Gwynneth Paltrow, which leads us to believe that it will be released day and date with its VHS version as well somewhen this fall.

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