Telly Savalas

The Dirty Dozen

September 22, 2006 // 0 Comments

"The Dirty Dozen" has long been one of my favorite films, one that I can view over and over again without ever tiring of it. An action-packed comedy and drama set during World War II, this film not only boasts an amazing cast but the story to go [...]

The Assassination Bureau

July 6, 2004 // 0 Comments

Strange as it may seem, I had never heard of "The Assassination Bureau" before, despite the fact that the film was made as far back as 1968 and I consider myself quite fluent in movies. All the more did I look forward to it when I read the [...]

Kelly’s Heroes

August 2, 2000 // 0 Comments

’Kelly’s Heroes’ is a war movie in much the same way that ’The Dirty Dozen, ’ ’Operation Petticoat,’ or ’Three Kings’ can be considered war movies. While the conflict provides the setting and the main characters are all military men, the [...]

On Her Majesty’s Secret Service

April 27, 2000 // 0 Comments

After Sean Connery resigned as James Bond, finishing "You Only Live Twice, " the men behind the highly successful series of James Bond movies, Harry Salzman and Albert R. Broccoli, faced the challenge to find an actor who could fill Connery’s [...]