We have a new section, the DVD Review download page!

Have you been searching our news archives for the article that allowed you to download the “Ghostbusters” menu animation? Well, we have good news for you. Instead of having to go through all the articles, we now have a dedicated download page where you can find both of our exclusive “Ghostbuster” videos.

It is getting better however, because in this donload page we also offer you some stunning Windows wallpapers for download. Because of Legal Issues we are not able to supply you with wallpapers for ANY movie – although we would like to – but we will nevertheless make sure we can bring you some of coolest DVD covers as wallpapers in the future. The wallpapers are available in three different resolutions to suit your Windows desktop. Unfortunately Windows can only use uncompressed BMP-files as wallpapers – how typical – which are exploding in size, which in turn forced us to offer them as JPG files only. However many image viewing tools allow you to easily convert these JPG-images into wallpapers on-the-go.

Without further ado, make sure to check out our brand new download page and check out the wallpapers for Dario Argento’s Tenebre and Vivid girl Devon in Country Comfort. Soon we’ll bring you the DVD Review Webcards which we are currently working on. Enough talking already… enjoy!

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